(1 of 8)
Contraction Action Set 1
(I'm, it's, can't, didn't, don't, he's,
she's and wasn't)
Contraction Action Set 2
(won't, isn't, doesn't hasn't, hadn't
haven't, I've, I'll )

(1 of 7)
Contraction Action Set 3
(he'd, she'd, you're, I'd, they're,
we've, they've, we're)

(1 of 11)
Contraction Action Cards for Sorts
What Would You Like?
(An Apostrophe Book)
Big Book
This colorful book provides
twenty pages of practice reading simple sentences with
apostrophes. For a follow up activity, have your
students find all of the contractions and record them
and/or write out the two words that make up the
contractions. They may also write and illustrate their
own little books about their favorite foods and the
favorites of their classmates, using as many
contractions as they can. (Option: Assign a different
contraction to each student for a class book about
I've Lost My
Easter Egg!
Contraction Center

"Pop" Goes the Letter!

Contraction Action Song

Bones! Bones! Bones!
Center Activity

Happy Birthday!
Center Activity

I Can't Pick a Pumpkin!
Center Activity

Contractions Poems, Songs and
(10 page collection)
Contractions Poster
Contraction Action
It's a Match!
Activity Set |
Knowledge of Contractions
Assessment |