A group of teachers in Pittsburgh, Pa asked me to create
supplementary materials for their young students. Apparently, they adopted a new series, Benchmark
Literacy, but after a year they decided that they loved the
old supplemental materials that I had and really wanted to
apply them to the new series. Some of the materials such as
the configuration packets are great for centers and
apparently it really helps to reach all learners. I will have the traditional
activity packets that I have developed in the past along
with materials for the phonics focus.
Feel free to download and reproduce
these materials for your own personal classroom use, but
please leave my name at the bottom of each page. Please note
that since I don't have students who use these, there may be
a few occasional typos, so let me know if you find any! My
kids were always sure to point out my bloopers in the old
days and thought they were pretty smart!
I plan to add supplemental activities for
each week based on the phonics/spelling skill listed in the
matrix. I have also added readers and shared reading book, (if
you would like them for children who still need the
additional practice) and some poems/songs that focus on the
phonics skills or lesson vocabulary words.
Let me know if you have other requests for
this series:carl1404@msn.com.
Since I am a retired reading specialist I don't have access
to the teacher's manuals, but thematrixis
packed with information that will allow me to enrich your
program through this web page.
Thanks for providing the opportunity to
help you help yourselves and your children. Enjoy!
Cherry Carl
Benchmark Literacy First
In an effort to make
things more convenient for first grade teachers I decided to
create a Collection with all of the supplemental materials on it.
Unit lessons have a six page activity packet, phonics and/or
spelling practice activities outlined in the first grade
matrix and a vocabulary poem for independent practice of
high frequency words and/or phonics skills in context.
Included are reproducible instruction sets for
word families, r-Controlled vowels, blends, contractions,
s, plural nouns, comparative endings, digraphs,
diphthongs, and silent letters. Everything is on one in
individual Unit/Lesson folders for easy access. A recent
addition is a collection of poems to go with each
Contact me for group
discount on multiple copies for your school.
Benchmark Literacy
First Grade Collection
Vocabulary Words
Activity Packets
Supplemental Materials
available for Benchmark Literacy First Grade CD
Unit 1
Week 1